Andreas Schurti

Partner, Dr. iur. (HSG), MCL, DHEE

Andreas Schurti
  • Corporate and Commercial Law

  • Trust and Foundation Law

  • Private Client / Asset & Estate Planning

  • Dispute Resolution

  • Asset Tracing / Asset Recovery

  • Tax Law

  • Criminal Defence

  • University of St. Gallen, Switzerland (Dr. iur. HSG, 1989)

  • University of Constance, Germany

  • University of San Diego School of Law, USA (Master of Comparative Law, 1990)

  • College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium (Diploma of Advanced European Legal Studies, 1991)

  • Attorney-at-Law in Liechtenstein (1989)

  • Attorney-at-Law in New York (1991)

  • Professional Trustee in Liechtenstein (1987)

  • Liechtenstein Bar Association
  • New York State Bar Association (New York)
  • International Bar Association (London)
  • Liechtenstein Association of Professional Trustees
  • Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
  • Liechtenstein Arbitration Association (LIS)
  • Member of the Liechtenstein Association of Criminal Defence Lawyers (VLS)

  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Certified translator and interpreter (German/English)

  • Das Verordnungsrecht der Regierung des Fürstentums Liechtenstein, St. Galler Beiträge zum öffentlichen Recht, Nr. 23, 1989

  • Reichweite und Vollstreckung von Nachprüfungsentscheidungen der EG-Kommission, Liechtensteinische Juristen-Zeitung, Issue 1, February 1993, 25

  • Das Verordnungsrecht der Regierung, Finanzbeschlüsse, in: Die Liechtensteinische Verfassung 1921, Elemente der staatlichen Organisation, edited by Gerard Batliner, Liechtenstein Politische Schriften, Volume 21, Vaduz 1994

  • Offshore Trusts, The Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Dennis Campbell, Special Issue, 1995

  • Liechtenstein Legal Report on Law on Investment Enterprises, International Financial Law Review, Banking Yearbook 1996, 78

  • Offshore Legal Opinions in Loan and Security Transactions, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Andrew Bridgeford, London, 1997

  • Global Financial Services Regulators, Europe, Chapter Liechtenstein, Richmond 2004

  • The Societas Europea in Liechtenstein, in: The European Company, Volume 2, edited by Dirk Van Gerven/Paul Storm, Cambridge University Press, 2007 (co-author)

  • Financial Services Regulators in Europe, Chapter Liechtenstein, Oxford University Press 2008 (co-author)

  • Prospectus for Public Offering of Securities in Europe, Liechtenstein Chapter, edited by Dirk Van Gerven, Cambridge University Press, 2009 (co-author)

  • Common Legal Framework for Takeover Bids in Europe, Chapter Liechtenstein, Cambridge University Press, edited by Dirk Van Gerven, 2010 (co-author)

  • Vertrieb von fondsgebundenen Lebensversicherungen – Informations- und Beratungspflichten, Liechtensteinische Juristen-Zeitung, Issue 2, June 2012, 49 (co-author)

  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, White-Collar Crime, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Kiril Bougartchev and Emmanuel Moyne, 2020 (co-author)

  • Legal 500, Country Comparative Guide, White-Collar Crime, Chapter Liechtenstein, 2021 (co-author)

  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, White-Collar Crime, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Kiril Bougartchev and Emmanuel Moyne, 2021 (co-author)

  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Corporate Tax, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Steve Edge, 2022 (co-author)

  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, White-Collar Crime, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Kiril Bougartchev und Emmanuel Moyne, 2022 (co-author)

  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Corporate Tax, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Steve Edge and Charles Osborne, 2023 (co-author)

  • Legal 500, Country Comparative Guide, Bribery & Corruption, Chapter Liechtenstein, 2023 (co-author)

  • Global Legal Group, International Comparative Legal Guides, Corporate Governance 2023, 16th Edition, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Adam O. Emmerich und Sebastian V. Niles, 2023 (co-author)

  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, White-Collar Crime, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Kiril Bougartchev und Emmanuel Moyne, 2023 (co-author)

  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Corporate Tax, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Steve Edge und Charles Osborne, 2024 (co-author)

  • Legal 500, Country Comparative Guide, Bribery & Corruption, Chapter Liechtenstein, 2024 (co-author)

  • Global Legal Group, International Comparative Legal Guides, Corporate Governance 2024, 17th Edition, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Adam O. Emmerich and Elina Tetelbaum, 2024 (co-author)

"Andreas Schurti is the clear lead partner at the firm, with tons of good advice."

Chambers Europe, 2023

"Andreas Schurti is our go-to lawyer in Liechtenstein for sensitive or complex matters, or exploring options which require brainstorming and preliminary assessments before diving into full-blown analysis. His extensive experience and market and regulatory knowledge provide the relevant type of guidance for such matters."

Chambers Europe, 2023

"Andreas Schurti is wise, calm, and takes a mature view of complicated situations. He gives sophisticated technical advice based on a lifetime of experience."

The Legal 500, 2023
"Andreas Schurti is one of the icons and smartest minds in the legal market who gives excellent guidance."
The Legal 500, 2022
"Andreas Schurti is a senior and extremely experienced lawyer who probably has almost seen and managed every possible situation for clients. He is a brilliant smart mind and his experience is most valuable for the entire team."
The Legal 500, 2021
"He is the ultimate professional. He is extremely competent and always available."
Chambers Global, 2021
"Andreas Schurti enjoys an excellent reputation for his outstanding corporate practice. His wide-ranging expertise includes the restructuring of loans and commercial processes, assistance with real estate and financing transactions, as well as M&A deals. He furthermore advises international clients on their business establishments in Liechtenstein."
Chambers Europe, 2020
Sources are impressed with Andreas Schurti for "providing really valuable advice due to his long years of experience", adding that he is "also very well connected and knows what is happening in the market".
Chambers Europe, 2020
"Andreas Schurti, one of the senior partners, has a lifetime of experience in his areas of practice. Reliable and authoritative."